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We provide Sales Consulting & Execution Service, Sales Outsourcing and People Enablement services to organisations with B2B and B2C business models. We enable organisations to scale to next level by building market capacity to increase speed though market expansion, market enthusiasm and people capability. We specialise in Direct, Partner, End Users, Government, Projects, Services, Outsourced businesses ecosystems to engage the market place.
Workplace Coaching : Aligning the Work, The Workplace and the People with the Marketplace
Value Proposition


Coaching Practices around Organisation Goal Setting, Goal Management, Goal Measurement and Mindset brings alignment of stake holders at different levels of the organisation with the Organisation Goals.

An interactive process, designed to raise awareness and alignment around various levels of the organisation and aspects of execution so as to improve the ability to achieve the Goals.

It attends to different aspects i.e. priority, readiness, willingness, capabity, capability etc. of the stake holders, so as to achieve the Goals.


   Sales Consulting 
      and Execution

We provide Sales Consulting and Execution as service to our customers. We enable our customers build sustainable Business Capacity in the market place. 

We enable our customers to scale to next level by increasing speed through market expansion, market enthusiasm and people capability.

We specialise in Direct, Partner, Users, Government, Projects, Services & Outsourced businesses practices to engage the market place.

Digital Transformation

Addressing Faster rate of obsolescence is the biggest challenge for every organisation


Obolescence can be due to the changes in the technology,  practices,processes imposed by the environment,society, the organisation itself and its people.

Being caught unaware can pose serious threat to the existance of the business and the organisation itself.

Sales Consulting & Execution Services

We provide Sales Consulting and Sales Execution as service. 


India is a complex market place comprising of 30 states with each having

its unique characteristic, processes and practices. The regional differences

in language, culture, talent, infrastructure, and wealth, all of which lead to

wide variations in business landscapes.


We provide our customers access and engagement to the market place making

their products and services Complied, Qualified and Enabled as per the requirement of each market place and customer towards market expansion and enthusiasm initiatives.

India map.png
India Market Access
Our Services

Building Sales Capacity

It is the true assessment and assurance of the capacity of a product/service which can be converted to sales by the organisation.

At Sales Dynamics we focus our customers, continue to increase the Sales Capacity of the product and services regularly for growth.

Building Sales

It is the readiness in skills, competencies, processes, tools required for an organisation to engage the market place effectively. 

Sales Dynamics alligns the stake holders,the front end, back end, current state and future state of the organisation with processes.

Sales Operation & Engagement

Effective Sales Operations drive commercial excellence. It serves from Sales Strategy to execution with in Sales and amongst stake holders outside sales.  

It provides support to the sales leaders to make decisions based on DATA, to improve effectiveness

in their actions in the field.

Market Enthusiasm, Digital Practices &
Social Media 

At Sales Dynamics, we evaluate all practices of Digital & Social Channels around the organisation and the businesses suitable to customer and user practices.

We specialise in aligning Social Media practices with the 

business goals of the organisation. 

People Readiness and Enablement

People readiness is the key and most challenging aspect towards effective engagement with all the stake holders in the market place. 


We build tools and processes to align the market and people readiness practices so as to address the dynamics effectively.

Goal Setting, Reporting & Review

Backbone of every organisation, these three practices bind the entire organisation towards a common goal and are the key to all the decisions making.

Tools, processes, Data and discipline are the key ingradients.

We enable organisations establishing the practices and the processes with appropriate tools.

Business Model & GTM

The Business Model is a framework for an organisation to establish value in terms of the concept, product and service to be created, delivered and monitised.

The GTM defines the channel to reach the target market, establish the value proposition, pricing to sale the product and service. 

Market segment practices

Size the customers into approachable groups so as to engage them effectively so as to create appropriate value proposition. 

Business offerings in goods, products, services with commercial models, value propositions are to be aligned around the business practices. A very dynamic practice influenced by many variables. 

Customer experience

Commercial success for a firm lies in the strength of its relationship it creates with its customers.

The value proposition, speed, value system, price, consistency etc. are the the key ingradients around the business, personal and social factors together, build customer experience. 

We enable organisations establishing the practices and the processes with appropriate tools.

Next Level

We’re Good with Numbers





Years of Experience

Qualified Expertise

Satisfied Clients

Decision Making

Taking Your Business to
the Next Level



Core to the success of every organisation, people practices are organisation building tools. It comprises of building practices, approaches and processes across the employee life cycle including regulatory, work force planning, compentency, capability assessment, well being, inclusion & diversity, people development and Data practices around the organisation. 

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